Wednesday, October 26, 2005


In what seems to be a sad turn of events for Christendom, yet another person is attempting to cash in on the already uber saturated Christian "kitch" market. Last week I mused over Rick Warren's quote soon to be found on a Starbucks cup, and I was generally satisfied with Rick's passion to share God's purpose for people's lives en mass.

This week I stumbled accross this site promoting the new iBelieve. This cross-shaped plastic cap replaces the standard usb cap for you ipod Shuffle. This appears to be the latest installment in the ever growing line of Jesus paraphanelia. Now instead of just listening to your "Christian Music" you can wear the gaughty white cross around your neck! I know for many of my peers who lived out their teen years in the 1990's many of us fell slave to the W.W.J.D fad that marketed almost everything on the face of the earth. This trend seems to not be going away, but rather is escalating on a daily basis. I understand that people need to earn a living, but I question why it seems that so many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ want to make a quick buck by selling their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ JUNK. Wearing a W.W.J.D. bracelt doesn't make you a Christian, neither does wearing the iBelieve, and neither does you eating at McDonalds make you a hamburger! You get the point?

It's at these times when I see this mass-marketing of Christian "kitch"that I am reminded of words to an old classic hymn...

"...and they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love...and they'll know we are Christians by our love..."

or maybe we should just all look at what God's Word has to say about this:

"But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1st Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

I don't know if I'm the only one out there who feels this strongly about the overwhelming amount of Jesus-Junk that's out there, but before you consider buying anything from a Christian retail store, check the motives of your heart...because that's what God truly cares about...



P.S. For those who may be skeptical of this site and may just brush it off as a hoax, this is the personal site for the guy from (he lives in Portland). Click Here:

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

God & Starbucks

There are many things in this world that I love...and it appears that 2 of them are soon to "become one" so to speak. Nothing beats walking into the local starbucks on a cool fall morning, or during an evening snow walk in winter. That aroma of freshly brewed coffee warms your soul even prior to the first smooth sip. Though coffee may "warm my soul" nothing quite invigorates my life quite like that of my faith in God. As I aluded to in my title, it appears that God's going mainstream "a la" starbucks style.

In a news article from USA Today (read it here) Pastor Rick Warren, author of the book "Purpose Driven Life" submitted a quote for Starbuck's "The Way I See It" campaign that encouraged people from all walks of life and faith to submit a quote to appear on their cups. Pastor Warren's was one of the selected quotes and reads as follows:

"You are not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose. Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny."
- The Rev. Rick Warren for Starbucks

Starbucks does go on to issue a disclaimer saying the thoughts and opinions expressed by these people do not necessarily reflect the views of Starbucks. I am happy to see that the Christian faith is alive and kicking in todays post-Christian culture. Too often I see many Christians "shy away" from pop-culture, feeling that anything we try to do won't get noticed. The Purpose Driven campaign that our church participated in last year did wonders for so many people. I applaud Rick Warren for submitting his quote (as I sit here and wonder how many other Christians submitted one...) As Christians we cannot even assume that people who are our neighbours, co-workers, even friends know really who God is. I feel that we need to use common language that speaks to today's culture, and that will engage today's culture in dialogue. I don't see much room for "Thou, Thee & Thy" and other outdated wordings, but take it from Eugene H. Peterson's "The Message"

Romans 9:25-26
I'll call nobodies and make them somebodies;
I'll call the unloved and make them beloved.
In the place where they yelled out, "You're nobody!"
they're calling you "God's living children."

So I as muse over this news article this morning (sans coffee unfortunately) I look forward to seeing Rick's thought's on my next Venti Cafe Mocha, and pray that it's not simply coffee that gives you that "perk" of energy, but rather God giving you life to its fullest as he promises.



Tuesday, October 18, 2005

mmmm...this just in!

Drivng to work this morning I noticed a sign in the vacant spot of land that is next to the White Spot Restaurant saying that there will be an Old Spaghetti Factory in Spring/Summer 2006. For those who do not know the geographical layout of 200th Street & 91A Ave. (Where my church is located) we are right next door to the White Spot. This means that now I will have a CHOICE when I want to go out for a lunch with someone! WOO HOO!!!! Stay tuned for more details and maybe even some construction pictures as the time gets closer to its Grand Opening.

Residents of Walnut Grove rejoice...for now we have a dinner choice!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

we're in the news

Our Youth Group made it into the local Langley Newspapers this past week!!!! Both the Langley Advance & the Langley Times had pictures and a brief blurb about us. We were at the Fort Langley Cranberry Festival on Saturday scooping the 10,000 pounds of cranberries that were for sale! This was an awesome opportunity for our youth to serve the community and connect with many unique people that make up the town of Fort Langley. We had a lot of fun, and realized that raw cranberrties are VERY tart and bitter. It was really fun watching little kids take and eat one, and then to watch as if their face was caving in! Praise God that it didn't rain!

I was so proud of our group for all their hard work. I really hope that we'll be able to come back next year and help out.

To read more about the festival click here & here:



Sunday, October 09, 2005


I absolutely love this cartoon!

I hope that for all of you out there (who for some reason read my blog), enjoy a spectacular thanksgiving with family and friends. I have so much to be thankful for this year...especially for my beautiful wife. Charity and I are off to my parents place in Ladner for our dinner tonight. mmmm....I love this time of year!

2nd Corinthians 4:15
"...And as God's grace brings more and more people to Christ, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory."

One questions remains...

White Meat OR Dark Meat???



Friday, October 07, 2005

BC Teachers Strike

Well today in the eyes of many students is one of the greatest days ever imagined: a teachers strike has started. But as many students are probably just waking up as it approaches 11am this morning many teachers have been on the picket lines since 5am. BC Teachers voted an overwhelming 90.5% in favour of striking. B.C. teachers have been subjected to imposed contracts four times since 1993, and are currently asking for a 15% wage increase (govt. officials are offering zero and frozen wages untill June 2006.

Much of this debate between the BCTF and Government stems from the legislation of Education as an "essential service." Jinny Simms, BCTF spokesperson had these comments:

"The United Nations and international bodies do not recognize education as an essential service under the industrial model," "But we do believe education is essential. It's because we believe it is essential for our students to get a quality education program that our teachers are prepared to take this very brave stand."

I have to mention that I do stand behind the teachers on this one. Mainly because my mom has been a teacher for almost 30 years! (Something I am darn proud of her about!) I have heard too many times the crap that she has been put through, and it's about time that our Government wakes up and sees how hard it is to effectively teach a classroom of over 30+ students. I hope that this ends quickly, but not through govt. imposed that studends (especially those in Grade 12) can get back to school and receive the education that they need.

CTV News
National Post
A Parent Who Supports the Strike
BC Teachers
BC Teachers Federation

Give a honk of support if you see teachers walking the picket lines!

