Well, I very well might get mixed reviews from this blog posting...but that's ok. There is nothing wrong with stirring the pot a little bit!
It's not too often I stumble across a blog site that really captivates me. This one has! I recently updated my "good stuph"column on my own site, and had to put this one on there. If you've never heard of this site their motto is:
"The blog to frustrate, educate, and motivate the church to communicate, with uncomprimising clarity, the truth of Jesus Christ."
Brilliant! I couldn't agree more that as a church we know of the "good news" and how many times do we fail and sharing this with those in our sphere of influence (friends, family, co-workers). I know that I have been guilty at sugar coating/watering down the gospel--and I know that I am not alone in this matter. The words that come out of our mouths reflect just as much--if not more of our character than how we act/react.
How many of you have seen incredibly tacky sayings on church signs? Anyone? You can even design your own church sign online now! Click here to try it out. Here at my church I am in charge of putting up the new sayings on our large sign. (I am not the one responsible for choosing what goes up there--just to clarify). Here's a great sign that I am very proud of...
*Note* The church's name & phone number have been removed for privacy reasons.
Back to talking about the Church Marketing Sucks site. I have spent some good quality time reading some of these articles that are posted. Many are thought provoking and really do challenge your thoughts on how church's market themselves (both for good and for worse). One of my favourite articles on their site right now is this. There is follow up to the article that can be found here. Let's just say that it probably isn't a good idea when you use the words of Satan to be your church's welcome announcement on the header on your website...oops!
Enough rambling for now...I look forward to hearing your feedback on this one. I'll leave you with this...
Q: What's the worst saying that you've ever seen on a church sign? Or worst church sign?