Friday, July 15, 2005

A Theological Worldview

So I stumbled accross a blog site that had a link to this somewhat sketchy--not 100% reliable test to determine your theological worldview. Needless to say I took the test, and to my surprise my theological worldview falls mostly in line with the Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan tradition. Here is what the little blurb says:

You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.

Apart from the last sentence about being heavly influence by John Wesley & the Methodists (both of which I have not studied much about) I would agree somewhat that it does describe adequatly my theological worldview. My second highest catagory that I agree with was that of Emergent/Postmodern. I do enjoy reading books by current Emergent authors like that of Brian D. Mclaren and Don Miller. There is much to say about how we as Christians "do church"--as I posted several days ago. Being a Pastor I wrestle daily with how I manage my time. Far to much of it seems to be spent on administry (play on the word administration) rather than minsitry. Far too many Christians seem to be pre-occupied with selling you the latest Boble-Head Jesus, the newest WWJD bracelet fad, or other kitch that really is of little use. (Afterall we can't take it with us!)

I can only pray that in the years to come that I find that passion that Jesus had to love those that the world hated. I have not yet met anyone who doesn't want to be loved. If only we as modern day Jesus-followers could love with an authentic love for those who need it most. If Jesus could make that much of an impact in only 3 years of ministry; I pray that God will bless my efforts as I minister in this local church, and local community.

Oh and for those who were thinking the whole way through...where's the link to that freaking quiz? Click here:




Matthew g Prior said...

I was wondering where the link to the freakin' quiz was the entire time. Going away from your typical style there T-Ha.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ty
I was also tagged as 'Wesleyan'. Don't suppose they had Mennonite on the list, but my second was 'Reformed Evangelical', also Anabaptist, I suppose. But heck, I know squat on denominations and their specific quirks and distinctions. Wesley was a good guy. That's all I know :).
Peace bro. See ya at Nate's wedding.