Friday, November 04, 2005

Finally we have proof


What once was purely speculation has finally been proven by a recently dicoverd photograph found in a previously locked metal case un-earthed from Einstein's former residence.

Scientists are flabergasted that Einstein himself humbly admits in this photograph that Tyler Hagan should be considered a Genius. One must note that Einstein himself lacked obvious elementary grammar skills as he himself mis-spells "Smart" as Smrt.

...REALITY CHECK...maybe because it's Friday...maybe because I feel sick (literal physical sickness/not the regular mental malaise)...or maybe because some days I just feel like being random, but I thought I would entertain you for a brief moment. Please feel free to create you own Einstein Quotes here:

Enjoy your weekends,


P.S. Thanks Haak for the link!


Andrew said...

LOL!!! ;)

- Andrew

Anonymous said...

If you notice Einstein uses the words "should be" and the fact that he can't spell smart right you have to wonder how acurate it really is. ;)