Monday, November 20, 2006


This picture best represents what me head feels like right now. Let me rewind to give you the full picture...

On friday we had our 3rd annual "Ultimate All-Nighter". This meant that from 7pm-7am we went Swimming, to Flip City, had a worship concert, went skating, and watched Nacho Libre & Over the Hedge.

What happens after you stay up for 24 hrs (since I had gotten up at 7am on Friday to drive Charity to work, and then prep things for this big event...) is that your body gets REALLY REALLY confused. I went to bed Saturday at 8am. Woke up at 3pm. Went to bed again at midnight. I saw a total of 2 1/2 hrs of daylight on depressing.

Well now after screwing up my body clock my head feels like its stuck in a San Francisco fog. Hopefully the fog will start to clear in the next couple of days...because I don't get sick that often...and I'm a bit of a grump when I am sick.

Lot's of stuff coming up here in the next few weeks. We're setting up our house for Christmas this coming weekend...and that means that Corey & Erin's wedding is only a few weeks away. That means...Corey's bachelor party is coming up soon! WOOT. He's gonna pay... and we're gonna laugh and laugh and laugh...

Two Big Trips on the Horizon:

1) Ontario: Dec. 13th-19th for Corey & Erin's wedding, and some guy time in Toronto with Jason after the wedding. We're leaving our wives at home...and having some fun.

2) Alberta: Dec. 21st-30th: Charity's family is having a family reunion in Alberta. One whole week of figuring out all these people's names that I barely know! WOO HOO.

Time to drink some tea:


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