Wednesday, July 02, 2008

We're Home

We did it! After month's of slowly packing up boxes, selling old stuff of craigslist, and cramming stuff into our moving truck we have arrived at our new place in Pitt Meadows.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of help from our family, who totally bent over backwards to help us move. It was so great to have Charity's mom & dad here for a few days too. We miss them, and wish we could see them far more often.

There are still tons of boxes to unpack, and we gotta figure out where some major pieces of furniture will go, but that will all happen in time.

I still wonder when the next day is that I'll get to sleep in, but for now Charity and I will continue to work well into the evenings to get this place ready for the hundreds of "house warming" parties I think I've promised to have!

I'll throw some pictures of the new place up when it's all cleaned up...and look for a new "after" video tour of our townhome comparable to the "before" video on my facebook site.


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