Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Fat Pastor!

If you say it fast enough, my blog title kinda sounds like some other "not-so-nice" word! That's kinda funny. This in fact is round #2 of what I call "Fat-Pastor". My first attempt at this was way back in February 2006. You can see my original plan of attack here:

Needless to say that didn't turn out that great. :-( I ended up getting to 203lbs but never did see myself reach my goal.

Well this time around I've come to a rather honest conclusion that the nickname that my high school students use to refer to me as (XL) has really given me motivation to turn Xtra Large into Xtra Lean! I started this journey back in late September after my gym called to ask if I was still alive! When you get a phone call like that you know you've been away a little too long.

They offered me a FREE 1 hour personal trainer session to get me back into the gym. After much fussing and grunting, I went in. I tipped the scales at a WHOPPING 225 lbs. YIKES!

When I spoke with my personal trainer she asked me what my goal was. I said I'd like to go from 225lbs to 195 lbs. That's a 30 lbs goal. She said then that I'd need to go onto a 1,943 calorie per day intake.

So far I have gone from 225lbs to 218lbs since first beginning. I've got a long way to go...but I'm determined to loose the weight. It's an incredibly eye-opening experience to track your calories every day. I love the fact that there's a great iPhone app called "Loose It" that's totally free, and works incredibly to help me do this!

So that's what I've been up to lately. Sorry for not posting anything for quite a while. Getting to the gym 3 days a week has taken up quite a bit of my free time.

So there you go. Nothing significant to read. But an open and honest look into what's really going on in my life right now. Stay tuned for updates and info from this journey.



afterthoughtcomposer said...

:) Yay Tyler!

I love learning about nutrition etc, so keep passing on what you learn.


ps. my word verification is "ingsting"...sounds a lot like "ingesting". Ironic, no?

Dalton said...

I think I weighed 225 when I was a teen.