Wednesday, October 31, 2007

what i've learned that sometimes you just need to take a break that sometimes you just need to start anew that sometimes your wife and real-life friends are more important than reading blogs that sometimes when i feel like i'm being pulled in a thousand different directions, it's actually God trying to draw me closer to him with one hand while i'm still trying to hold onto the world with the other

so i guess you could say that i'm back. i don't know. a lot has been going on in my life since i last wrote. the death of my nana was a big deal for me...and in some ways how do you follow up to something like that?

to any of my readers i welcome you back. sorry for such an abrupt end to my blogging. this time around i think i'm going to take a deeper look into life and try to write about what actually has meaning for me.

the time spent these past few months with my wife has been amazing. the time with close friends has been irreplaceable, and through this all i still feel like God is drawing me closer to him with one hand while i'm still trying to hold onto the world with the other.
