If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll surely have come across this new development that's currently sparking lots of controversy over on Vancouver Island.
Local artist and Metchosin resident Jimmy Wright has erected this crucified Santa on his front lawn. Obviously many parents of young children are pleading with him to take the display down. As a follower of Jesus this image impacts me in a variety of ways:
1) Yes, Santa is far too glorified during Christmas. And consumerism is far too rampant.
2) Parents are angry because their sons/daughters are upset that Santa is apparently dead on a cross...rather than getting ready to bring them lots of toys & goodies on his sleigh.
3) If children are upset because Santa's dead and not going to bring them lots of toys & stuff , then HOLY COW DO WE HAVE THE WRONG MEANING OF WHAT CHRISTMAS IS...
4) My Saviour died on a cross for the forgiveness of my sins. This wasn't a laughing matter, and is something that I hold in high reverence. This display does somewhat poke fun at that horrific event.
I've watched the news on this twice last night, and in some ways I do support what Jimmy Wright is doing. Santa should NOT be the central focus of Christmas. And it is really sad to see that kids are so visibly upset because they don't think they'll be getting lots of presents now that Santa is dead...this just goes to show that our North American culture has totally warped the true meaning of Christmas. Our spending habits need really take a 180...and start giving to those who have nothing this Christmas.
There are so many great organizations that could benefit from us even spending 10-20% less this Christmas and channeling those funds to people who will make a tangible impact in someone else's life. Organizations like Union Gospel Mission, The Langley Food Bank, Compassion Canada, and many others.
Related News Articles:
1) CNews Canada
2) Metro News UK
I put out a challenge to our students in our youth ministry this month. Decide on a percentage (at least 10%...can be more) and what you would normally get for Christmas....cash, gifts, & use that equivalent in monetary means and do something meaningful with it. I challenge all of you to do likewise.
I pray that this Christmas that you take those moments to really reflect on that miracle that is Christ's coming to earth, to be our Emmanuel (God With Us).
I'll leave you with these great words, written by Charles Wesley in his famous Christmas Carol "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing"
Christ, by highest heav'n adored; Christ, the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold him come, Offspring of the Virgin's womb:
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail th'incarnate Deity,
Please as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King."
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