Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Back from T.O.

Well late last night I flew home from Toronto. I had such a great time out there. Here's a little recap of what all happened.

We flew into Toronto early on Thursday morning. We picked up our rental car at 7am and drove to Niagara Falls. What happens though when you get three guys together who are really make shirts that say "Viagara Falls." This probably is pretty stupid to you, but it sure made us laugh for hours.

Once we left Niagara we drove for what felt like hours through small towns (each of which had a Tim Hortons...which ONLY accept cash in Ontario!) Soon after driving for ever we connected onto the 401 highway which has a posted speed of 100km/h but I won't get into the details of how fast you need to go just in order to keep up with the flow of traffic.

Late that evening we arrived in Blenheim, and were really excited about the up-coming wedding. The day turned out to be great for the rain, not totally freezing, but sadly no snow. Everything went so smoothly for the wedding, and it was an awesome day.

The ceremony went amazing, and the reception was SOOO much fun. Corey and Erin looked amazing, and you could tell that this marriage was meant to be. I can't wait to see all the photo's of the Bridal Party...there's gonna be some great ones.

After the wedding was over, Tim, Jason, and I drove up to Toronto. Tim spent the day with us, and then flew home. Jason and I were able to connect with my dad's best friend and his wife who live just north of the city. We got to see so much of the city of Toronto, and as well connect with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in over 10 years. We walked up and down Yonge Street, rode the Subway, ate in Little Italy with my friend Laura, shopped for ourselves, shopped for our wives because we shopped for ourselves, and got to go to the Hockey Hall of Fame.

This was something that I was totally looking forward to. It was so much fun to walk around and see tons of authentic hockey memorabilia. We walked into the "Grand Hall" which houses all the NHL trophy's, and then proceeded to walk into "the vault" which houses the original bowl donated by Lord Stanley that created what we now know as the Stanley Cup, as well as the first few original rings from the first few years of the cup's existence.

After this we grabbed a great lunch at the Irish Embassy Pub & Grill across the street. Mmm, that was an amazing lunch. After this we just walked around a bit more, and then took the subway back to where we were staying. We flew out late Tuesday night, and were certainly glad to fly home to our wives. It was a great that I will remember forever. if this one trip wasn't enough...tomorrow night Charity and I fly out to Lethbridge for over a week for her family reunion. So...time to un-pack, and re-pack some clothes.

Have a Merry Christmas, as I'm doubtful to be blogging much while I'm away for the reunion, since it's taking place at a camp in the Rocky Mountains over an hour outside of town. I'll write more (obviously) when I return.



Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Vote For

If you're any bit a Vancouver Canucks fan then you'll surely know about the MASSIVE campaign underway to get Rory Fitzpatrick, one of their lack-luster defencemen, to the 2007 NHL All-Star game in Dallas.

What started out more as a gag, has ended up creating a whirlwind of activity with All-Star voters. What's crazy about this whole campaign is the amount of votes that he is getting. As of Dec. 12th Rory is in six place for vote getters among defencemen.

And it's not just a few random fans (like pictured above) that are getting this publicity going. The "Vote for Rory" campaign has a website, and even a small promo-clip on You Tube.

One can only imagine if all this effort will be worth it. But hey, the way the Canucks are playing right now...this is actually kinda exciting! So do you civic duty and go for Rory Fitzpatrick, and make Rory's mom proud! Go vote to get Rory into the 2007 NHL All-Star Game. If you want to hear what Rory thinks about this whole thing click here:

Here's a list of helpful links:

Official Website:

YouTube Promo Video:
Wikipedia Site: Vote Rankings:

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Well expect my blog to be a little quiet this next week. Tomorrow night I fly out to Toronto with two other buddies for our friend's Corey & Erin's wedding.

I haven't been to the Toronto area since I was six years old. I have no clue if I'll remember anything or not. Either way the 3 of us are renting a car, going to see Niagara Falls, maybe catch a Raptors game on Sunday, and who knows what else. It's gonna be a great trip though...that's for sure.

My poor wifey won't be able to come, 'cause she's got final exams this week. Please visit her and bring her food. I love you!

Have a great week...I know mine will rock...


Friday, December 08, 2006

Crucified Santa

Is it blasphemy or just a conversation piece? You decide.

If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll surely have come across this new development that's currently sparking lots of controversy over on Vancouver Island.

Local artist and Metchosin resident Jimmy Wright has erected this crucified Santa on his front lawn. Obviously many parents of young children are pleading with him to take the display down. As a follower of Jesus this image impacts me in a variety of ways:

1) Yes, Santa is far too glorified during Christmas. And consumerism is far too rampant.

2) Parents are angry because their sons/daughters are upset that Santa is apparently dead on a cross...rather than getting ready to bring them lots of toys & goodies on his sleigh.

3) If children are upset because Santa's dead and not going to bring them lots of toys & stuff , then HOLY COW DO WE HAVE THE WRONG MEANING OF WHAT CHRISTMAS IS...

4) My Saviour died on a cross for the forgiveness of my sins. This wasn't a laughing matter, and is something that I hold in high reverence. This display does somewhat poke fun at that horrific event.

I've watched the news on this twice last night, and in some ways I do support what Jimmy Wright is doing. Santa should NOT be the central focus of Christmas. And it is really sad to see that kids are so visibly upset because they don't think they'll be getting lots of presents now that Santa is dead...this just goes to show that our North American culture has totally warped the true meaning of Christmas. Our spending habits need really take a 180...and start giving to those who have nothing this Christmas.

There are so many great organizations that could benefit from us even spending 10-20% less this Christmas and channeling those funds to people who will make a tangible impact in someone else's life. Organizations like Union Gospel Mission, The Langley Food Bank, Compassion Canada, and many others.

Related News Articles:

1) CNews Canada

2) Metro News UK

I put out a challenge to our students in our youth ministry this month. Decide on a percentage (at least 10%...can be more) and what you would normally get for, gifts, & use that equivalent in monetary means and do something meaningful with it. I challenge all of you to do likewise.

I pray that this Christmas that you take those moments to really reflect on that miracle that is Christ's coming to earth, to be our Emmanuel (God With Us).

I'll leave you with these great words, written by Charles Wesley in his famous Christmas Carol "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing"

Christ, by highest heav'n adored; Christ, the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold him come, Offspring of the Virgin's womb:
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail th'incarnate Deity,
Please as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King."



Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Baptismal Cannonball

heck yes...give it up for this jr. high kid who had the guts to do a cannonball into the baptismal tank. man, i totally wish i had thought of that.

I'm still laughing at this one...

(ht to marko)