Wednesday, July 16, 2008


seems simple doesn't it?

these past few days I have been really challenged in my faith journey to recognize what it means to simplify. better yet, what it means to live without.

sure I now own a townhome, and we've filled it with "stuff" even a new big screen where do I get off talking about a topic like "simplicity".

well over the past few weeks I have dramatically reduced my "screen time". We don't have cable, and still haven't even plugged in our TV. We chose not to purchase cable for the next while in an attempt to enjoy our summer, and spend time doing other things (with each other & with friends)!

at work I have implemented a "no screen time" rule for the first 30 minutes from when I arrive in the office. this time is meant to read God's Word and pray.

simple...yet effective.

this morning as I drank my coffee at starbucks (it's VBS this week...I need the jolt of caffeine), I sat there on the patio and for 10 minutes just found myself soaking in the warmth of the early morning sunshine.

doing nothing but just being still.

sounds like a familiar passage in Scripture.

"be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

I have recognized that I need more simplicity (that almost seems paradoxical). We all need to think creatively as to how we can simplify our lives...focus more on our walk with Christ.

may you be encouraged to spend more time being simple. enjoying life. enjoying Christ.


1 comment:

afterthoughtcomposer said...

nice tyler, good thoughts.
also, i like the new look of your blog!