Thursday, November 06, 2008

What if...

What if Starbucks marketed themselves like the church?

Comments? Thoughts? Reactions?


ht to Andrew for the email


afterthoughtcomposer said...

wow, I cringed through that entire video (and laughed too).

Here's what I think (and you may need to heap grains of salt onto this, because I'm not going to fluff up my answer any, and I am going to use blanket statements):

I think that video probably pretty accurately displays a lot of people's view of what church is/must be like. We are, to outsiders and even to eachother: Fake. We do not have real conversations in the larger church, we do not raise our voices in the church, we do not do anything out of the ordinary in the church. We are not always free to worship as we feel called in the church; especially if that worship means raising your hands when no one else is, clapping when no one else is, dancing for joy if no one else is. We always have a smile on our face in church. We hype up our greetings in the church, and our responses, instead of being honest. There is no honesty in the church, only false integrity.

There is, I believe, an intensely low glass ceiling on the church, or in other words, a spirit of...silence? False pretense maybe. Churches have become like shopping malls. We go there to get what we want and we go there to be comfortable. No homeless people or funny smells or unpleasant noises. Take your crying child outside. Just give me what I want so I can be happy. I will give my 10% so that God can make me rich.

...let me do a bit of unscrambling and then I'll pass the mic :)

Not everyone is like this, and not every congregation is like this. However, I do believe that over every congregation there is this....sound barrier.

People don't want to be loved unconditionally if the love isn't genuine. Genuine love is messy. Genuine love will love you even if you are divorced, homeless, gay, smelly, ugly, anti-social. Genuine love will love you if you are a prostitute, or a selfish bastard, or a crotchety old woman, or a pregnant teenager, or HIV positive. Genuine Love will stand there and love us anyways, even if we were all of these things. Genuine Love DIED in love, even though we ARE all of these things.

We have not been called to judge, only to love. It is not my decision whether or not someone elses actions are sending them to hell. That is actually between them and God. I have only been asked to love, not to point out the faults of others.

And there, in a too-large-mouthful, is my thought process on that video, why it was made, and why it should actually kick us in the ass.

:)....mic passed.

Barclee said...

the guy said "i just want some coffee"
and i found that the most impacting part. i think we sometimes forget that people mgiht be coming into church, tired, hurt, addicted, abused, angry and all they want to say it "i just want some God" but instead they get judged and embarrassed and centered out, and ignored.
i think i need to pay more attention to those who just want some coffee.