Friday, October 07, 2005

BC Teachers Strike

Well today in the eyes of many students is one of the greatest days ever imagined: a teachers strike has started. But as many students are probably just waking up as it approaches 11am this morning many teachers have been on the picket lines since 5am. BC Teachers voted an overwhelming 90.5% in favour of striking. B.C. teachers have been subjected to imposed contracts four times since 1993, and are currently asking for a 15% wage increase (govt. officials are offering zero and frozen wages untill June 2006.

Much of this debate between the BCTF and Government stems from the legislation of Education as an "essential service." Jinny Simms, BCTF spokesperson had these comments:

"The United Nations and international bodies do not recognize education as an essential service under the industrial model," "But we do believe education is essential. It's because we believe it is essential for our students to get a quality education program that our teachers are prepared to take this very brave stand."

I have to mention that I do stand behind the teachers on this one. Mainly because my mom has been a teacher for almost 30 years! (Something I am darn proud of her about!) I have heard too many times the crap that she has been put through, and it's about time that our Government wakes up and sees how hard it is to effectively teach a classroom of over 30+ students. I hope that this ends quickly, but not through govt. imposed that studends (especially those in Grade 12) can get back to school and receive the education that they need.

CTV News
National Post
A Parent Who Supports the Strike
BC Teachers
BC Teachers Federation

Give a honk of support if you see teachers walking the picket lines!



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