Thursday, March 02, 2006

I've Gone International...kinda!

When I started this blog just over a year ago, I just thougth that it would be a chem (listen to episodes 3,4 & 5 & you'll get it) way to connect with friends and buddies from my days at college who aren't local. Just a way to check up on each other and read some stories...

Over the months I've set up links to the blog sites that I frequent often (one of them being the blog of Mark Oestreicher of YS.) Well let's just say I was quite surprised & thrilled to see that he'd checked out my site some time earlier today & linked a story/photo that I threw on my blog a few days ago. So this makes it official...I've gone international! Thanks bud!

So to any of you who are reading this because of the link off Marko's site...thanks for dropping by! If you want to get to know more about can always read the profile--or you can catch me making a fool of myself in the QUEST video series. I'm the bleach blonde haired guy in a white shirt who wants to give Jesus a "BIG BOO-YEAH" Check out episodes 3,4&7.

So the photo isn't true...I've had it on my computer for a while but never knew what site it originate from! Thanks Mark again, and at least we can all enjoy a good laugh...hmmm, where'd that bag of chips go that I was just munching on?



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